Sunday, July 5, 2015

solver/emulation stuff

This is cool because python should be able to hit up all of this.  Especially that first link.
I expect this should be nice to have with IDA and your python IDE to go exploring with.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, but z3's bv2int appears broken in some cases. this returns 'unsat' in smt-lib, but 'sat' in z3. in these cases, you might need to invert your logic to use int2bv instead.

    ; two 32-bit integers
    (declare-const a1 (_ BitVec 32))
    (declare-const a2 (_ BitVec 32))
    ; two integers
    (declare-const t1 Int)
    (declare-const t2 Int)

    ; each integer `t should be equiv to the bvints `a
    (assert (= t1 (bv2int a1)))
    (assert (= t2 (bv2int a2)))

    (assert (not (= a1 a2))) ; now suggest that both bvints are not allowed to be the same
    (assert (= t1 t2)) ; but allow the integers that they're based on to be the same
    ; which is bad logic, and shouldn't be possible

    (check-sat) ; satisfiable? shouldn't be...

    (get-model) ; and why is `t != `a?
