Basically here's the Ubuntu you were using before Unity. Glad this is around. Hope y'all enjoy.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Monday, July 6, 2015
Graphs all day
graphs and python and ida go hand in hand.
Easy code to follow and walk through and very useful for nodes.
Try making stuff with this.
graphs and python and ida go hand in hand.
Easy code to follow and walk through and very useful for nodes.
Try making stuff with this.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
solver/emulation stuff
This is cool because python should be able to hit up all of this. Especially that first link.
I expect this should be nice to have with IDA and your python IDE to go exploring with.
This is cool because python should be able to hit up all of this. Especially that first link.
I expect this should be nice to have with IDA and your python IDE to go exploring with.
Setting up a git server on Windows real easy like
Yeah it's pretty easy to just go through this and setup a user and a repo to store code at.
Yeah it's pretty easy to just go through this and setup a user and a repo to store code at.
Friday, July 3, 2015
.cmd Script to let people know you're haxoring
@echo off
color 0A
title 1337 black and green hacker terminal
mode 1000
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto matrix
color 0A
title 1337 black and green hacker terminal
mode 1000
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto matrix
Python Ascii tree - for all those times you need to go low-tech and draw an ASCII tree
This is real cool because it writes stuff like this:
This is real cool because it writes stuff like this:
root +--sub1 +--sub2 | +--sub2sub1 +--sub3 +--sub3sub1 | +--sub3sub1sub1 +--sub3sub2
Windows symbols for the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH script
setx -m _NT_SYMBOL_PATH SRV*c:\symbols\*;SRV*c:\symbols\*
Throw this into a .cmd file and run it as admin. Edit this accordingly for chrome or whatevs.
Throw this into a .cmd file and run it as admin. Edit this accordingly for chrome or whatevs.
Auto open dlls and exe in current directory for IDA
---------------------begin .cmd file--------------------
pushd .
cd "C:\Program Files"
FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN ('dir /S /b idaq.exe') DO SET IDAEXE="%%F"
echo "%IDAEXE%"
set IDBDIR=.
for /R %%v in (*.dll) do start /wait "" %IDAEXE% -B -A -c -P -o%IDBDIR%\%%~nv.idb "%%v"
for /R %%v in (*.exe) do start /wait "" %IDAEXE% -B -A -c -P -o%IDBDIR%\%%~nv.idb "%%v"
---------------------.cmd file--------------------
Edit this for x64 with cd "C:\Program Files (x86)"
Edit this for whatever you're working on.
pushd .
cd "C:\Program Files"
FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN ('dir /S /b idaq.exe') DO SET IDAEXE="%%F"
echo "%IDAEXE%"
set IDBDIR=.
for /R %%v in (*.dll) do start /wait "" %IDAEXE% -B -A -c -P -o%IDBDIR%\%%~nv.idb "%%v"
for /R %%v in (*.exe) do start /wait "" %IDAEXE% -B -A -c -P -o%IDBDIR%\%%~nv.idb "%%v"
---------------------.cmd file--------------------
Edit this for x64 with cd "C:\Program Files (x86)"
Edit this for whatever you're working on.
Forgetting Windbg commands? Too lazy to type? Use .cmdtree in windbg!
Refer to this:
Look at other people's cmdtree's:
Make your own.
I'm pretty sure you don't want to type this a lot if you're looking at Internet Explorer:
ed MSHTML!MemoryProtection::CMemoryProtector::tlsSlot ForInstance 0xffffffff
The cmdtree file is space delimited. So maintain the proper structure and you'll be ok.
Look at other people's cmdtree's:
Make your own.
I'm pretty sure you don't want to type this a lot if you're looking at Internet Explorer:
ed MSHTML!MemoryProtection::CMemoryProtector::tlsSlot
The cmdtree file is space delimited. So maintain the proper structure and you'll be ok.
Xenserver - I need to set this up for home VM farm.
I'm sold now.
I'm sold now.
Setting up a git server for people that are lazy like me
Follow this:
Pycharm for your IDA development
Download it here
Here's some ghetto autocomplete:
Create a new project and throw the following python files from your IDADir/python into it
Create your new script and type in any of these:
press ctrl-spacebar
press ctrl-spacebar
press ctrl-spacebar
And there you go. Let the IDE work for you.
Also, if you want to get code flow, you can hold down ctrl and left click into methods.
There's also Version control. So setup your git and version your code.
This makes development super easy.
Another nice thing is the alt-enter hotkey. If you're missing imports for a particular class, it will help auto import things for you.
I spent many years coding in eclipse because I was a Java Software Engineer. Transitioning to this was easy because they maintained all the key schemes for these types of developers like me. Being able to quickly get all references with ctrl-G and looking up methods and objects within a file with ctrl-O is very handy and will help you push out code faster.
Refactoring is painless with alt-shift-R and walking through the menus.
Refer to to setup auto complete for pyside.
Here's some ghetto autocomplete:
Create a new project and throw the following python files from your IDADir/python into it
Create your new script and type in any of these:
press ctrl-spacebar
press ctrl-spacebar
press ctrl-spacebar
Also, if you want to get code flow, you can hold down ctrl and left click into methods.
There's also Version control. So setup your git and version your code.
This makes development super easy.
Another nice thing is the alt-enter hotkey. If you're missing imports for a particular class, it will help auto import things for you.
I spent many years coding in eclipse because I was a Java Software Engineer. Transitioning to this was easy because they maintained all the key schemes for these types of developers like me. Being able to quickly get all references with ctrl-G and looking up methods and objects within a file with ctrl-O is very handy and will help you push out code faster.
Refactoring is painless with alt-shift-R and walking through the menus.
Refer to to setup auto complete for pyside.
Learning Pyside with qt designer on ubuntu
Follow this:
Watch this:
Save out the qt designer file. eg. myfile.ui
sudo apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools
pyuic4 myfile.ui -o
After that start code ripping.
Why do this? Well it's nice to auto complete code in your ide when coding up idapython with pyside work.
Watch this:
Save out the qt designer file. eg. myfile.ui
sudo apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools
pyuic4 myfile.ui -o
After that start code ripping.
Why do this? Well it's nice to auto complete code in your ide when coding up idapython with pyside work.
Converting exported VMWare ovf and Importing them into VirtualBox
Do this:
And then get rid of the .mf file.
And then get rid of the .mf file.
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